
Friday, December 10, 2010

Little Fockers Coming Soon sticker

Looks like I spoke too soon, folks! New placeholders have hit and we've got some new sets!

Little Fockers Coming Soon
Get ready to spend the holidays with family -- the Focker family. Little Fockers opens on December 22, just in time for holiday watching with the family (or escaping them). Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Pictures.
Req: Check-in to Little Fockers before its premiere on 22 Dec, 2010. No phrase needed.


  1. I saw that the little focker sticker said coming soon instead of trailer. And it got me wondering why the change? Why change if it's not broke as they say..

  2. I can think of two possibilities:
    1. They didn't have the trailer set up yet so they changed this one to just a check-in
    2. It's becoming common knowledge that the trailer check-ins just require the word "trailer" in them so why make people jump through one more hoop?
    Either way, it's no big deal, and a good way to advertise an upcoming movie. I hope that the best parts of the film aren't just what's in the trailer, though.
