Monday, February 21, 2011

X-Play Legendary sticker

Your name belongs on the top scores list for X-Play. Enter your initials now. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at G4.
Req: Check-in to X-Play 50 times.

Yep, you read that right - 50 check-ins. With normal viewing habits (i.e. watching the show once a day, every day) and check-in habits (only checking-in when the show airs) you're looking at five weeks or so of check-ins to get this puppy earned.


  1. Are those "live" checkins though or can you just check in at any time of day…?!

  2. Any time of day - I spent most of the afternoon on Saturday checking-in to get the count racked up.

  3. Damn, should have known that earlier…! Wasted so much time checking in just once a day when it was on…
