Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Parachute - The Way It Is sticker

The Way It Is

Are you obsessed with the new Parachute album, The Way It Is? Well you're in luck because it is available for purchase on iTunes: idj.to/iTheWayItWas . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Parachute.

Req: Check-in to Parachute and mention a song from their album (linked above)
Note: Most people are using "What I Know"


  1. Another getglue sticker name fail... as the name of the album is "The Way It Was." "The Way It Is" is by Bruce Hornsby and the Range...

  2. There's now 2 stickers listed for me - "The Way It Is" and "The Way It Was" except the "...Was" is a blurry image of what's above. Weird.

  3. At least they didn't make us re-earn it this time around...
